Have a Laugh

Who doesn’t like to cleanse the palate with some fringe weirdness and other off-the-beaten-path topics that might make us chuckle or ponder. Enjoy.

Kill and Sterlize Illegal Aliens

First of all... THEY'RE TAKIN' OUR JOBS! Second of all, how many good folk need to be abducted and anal probed before we make a hard line in the sand? Third of all, some of them, I'm sure, are good people, despite their disturbingly big eyes and long fingers. Wait... are we talking abou the same kind of aliens?

Send Flat earthers to outerspace

Bezos can surely pay for this. We can make it a reality TV show while we're at it. It will be a transcendent experience.

Mandatory Acid Trips for CEOs and Congress-persons

I'm well aware that Joe Rogan is a controversial figure. But if he's ever said anything that stuck in my mind, it's this idea, and I'll paraphrase- that all CEOs of oil companies and mining conglomerates, should be required to take copious psilocybin mushrooms in the area they operate before they begin any project to destroy an ecosystem.

I fully endorse this. I'd extend it to be a requirement for Congress too. I assure you, I'd qualify.

In all seriousness, hallucinagen assisted psycho therapy is a profoundly important emerging trend that has incredibly important implications in the world of mental health. These medicines, when used with respect and wisdom, hold incredible power in placing us in the web of existence as humble servants to the Life of the cosmos.

Get Medevil on Pedophile Priests

I don't think high level democrats are pedophile cannibals. (Ironically, I can't help but notice that both high level democrats AND republicans were present at Jeffrey Epstein's parties.)

If the Catholic Church pedophelia scandal has thaught us anything, it's that people in trusted positions can do breathtakingly cruel and self serving things. It would be foolish to think only Catholic priests take advantage of vulnerable people like this.

I don't subscribe to Qanon. Have never read a "Q-drop," and don't really know too much about it except that they believed pedophelia was a rampant problem in the upper echelons of society. I don't give any credence to theories based so deeply on the logic of "Trust me, I'm an (anonymous) insider." But after having read the book The Franklin Coverup, by former Nebraska state senator, John Decamp, on his oversight committee investigation into elite pedophelia parties in the 1980s, I don't think we should completely throw the baby out with the bath water and say that this pathological behavior is exceedingly rare, either. After all, the person third in line to the presidency, Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert was convicted of such behavior.

A Pony in Every Driveway

While I hope to show that I am offering a substatively different critique of social strucutre and analysis of our challenges than most of those in government, I still like to be competitive. So if pandering and bribery are the game, how would you like a pony you gorgeous, brilliant paragon of vritue, you? God Bless America.

JFK, MLK, 9/11 and Epstein

Conspiracies are not even close to being the total explaination of why the world is on a crash course. I would say incentive structures and group think explain much more of why corruption and domination seem so all-encompassing. However, conspiracies are real. The very definition of conspiracy makes them unavoidable realities: "People making plans to do unethical things in secret." Given that unethical people rarely hatch their plans on CSpan, that makes "conspiracies" an inevitability.

While they are not fully explanatory, being open to explore conspiracy research, (the more credible and supportable arguments anyway), does help:

  • A) to illuminate how power operates, what those in power value, and how low they will stoop.
  • B) to show how blind and/or captured the mainstream media is to reporting stories which are inconvenient to their political, financial and ideological interests.
  • C) paradoxically, to depolarize a conversation. Those who research conspiracies, or at least acknowledge their existence, will inherantly distrust those who don't. This subculture is large enough where denigrating or ignoring them is not a viable option if we want to have the kind of free and full exchange of ideas necessary for a collective sensemaking up to the challenges we face.

And just to be clear. I've researched more than a few conspiracies and to let you know where I stand:

  • I find it completely implausible that JFK was shot from behind by one person since his head flew backwards and one "magic bullet" also made multiple bullet wounds in other people in front of him.
  • I find it very difficult to explain the dozens of firefighters and other officials who heard supplemental explosions in both the Twin Towers and WTC 7, and the vans full of Israeli operatives celebrating as the 9/11 attacks commenced (who were subsequently arrested but then released).
  • I find it difficult to ignore the US attorney/Secretary of Labor who defended Jeffrey Epstein's despicably light punishment by saying "We can't touch him, he belongs to intelligence." This begs the question, why are America's spys in bed with a sexual predator? Acquiring blackmail material for powerful people seems a plausible explanation, with chilling implications.

Those are significant enough descrepancies in the official narratives of some of the most consequential events in our recent history, that I do think there is good reason to entertain views that contradict the consensus of those in power, and when warranted, to allow those views to contribute to a holistic assessment of reality. But, so too must skepticism be applied to the claims of all parties.

I am not making claims that I definitively believe a certain conclusion is the only explanation of any of the above scenarios. Iam saying that I believe they are descrepancies that warrant the courage to withstand taboo so that we can discuss issues that undermine dominant narratives more openly.

Microchips and Other Depopulation Investment Tips

Mind Control

Broken Legs Don't Exist

Some folks don't think Sars Cov2 exists because it hasn't been purified to their standards. Empricism folks. Come back to us.

5G Genocide

I've seen nothing that credibly supports 5G being used to activate mind control microchips. But neither do I have any confidence that the health impacts of 5G, or really any commercial radiation, have been studied independently and rigorously enough.